Two Poems
by Tomas Moniz
what things will do to survive
my father called me over bent down eye to eye he stared at me i tried to escape i knew
the tricks he played later i’d come to know these as attempts to love he held me close in the
yard he said mijo i found you something in his palm a vibrant green chameleon in the
process of changing to earthy brown the color of my dad’s skin he said grab the tail i did
my father let it go i felt the lizard swing sway then watched the body fall the tail left
wiggling in my fingers i screamed dropped it put hand to mouth my dad said like fact
you killed it boy he picked up the tail still thrashing still acting as if it was complete a
whole body he tried to give it to me & said stop crying the lizard’s fine but it’s crazy
what things will do to survive
broken circles
i used to hate round things my dad telling me make a fist circular & solid punching me to
show how hard a closed hand could be made us eggs sunday mornings fried & flat & round
he had circle tattoos on his hands that didn’t connect a mistake he called them voice locked
& tight
how to heal a broken man how to close the loop how not to break
my lover laughed at my story said the opposite was true the world works in broken &
imperfect circles like arms hugging a baby’s toothless smile the way a dog spins around & around before sleeping the word moon sung by nick drake the soft & rounded edges of the
adobe home
my grandmother was born in the fat & plump sopapillas my tia makes
one morning my son gathered blue eggs from our new chickens we marvelled at their warmth feathers still stuck to shell cradling them in the half circles of our palms like precious things
Tomas Moniz
TOMAS MONIZ edited Rad Dad, Rad Families, and the kids book Collaboration/Colaboración. He’s recently been published by Barrelhouse and Acentos Review. In 2019, he’ll release a chapbook with Mason Jar Press and his debut novel, Big Familia, on Acre Books, the book publishing offshoot of The Cincinnati Review. He has stuff on the internet but loves letters and penpals: PO Box 3555, Berkeley CA 94703. He promises to write back.